Hi, my name is Houssam-Eddine Boudhir.

I develop websites and applications.

I'm a web developer based in Morocco specializing in front-end technologies and frameworks.

Projects I'm proud of

Latest Project


Transcendence is an online Ping Pong contest fullstack application where the users can login using 42 intra, the logged in users can create chatrooms, spectate live games, protect account using 2FA, access leaderboard and more.

Technologies used include:

  • VueJS
  • NestJS
  • PostgreSQL
  • Docker
  • Socketio
Screenshot of a PingPong website.


Image Gallery

An image gallery website where authenticated users can scroll infinitly and like images requested from unsplash API.

Technologies used include:

  • NextJS
  • Tailwindcss
  • Leveldb
Screenshot of Photo gallery website.

Personal Project


Personal implementation of a Shell program from scratch that read and executes commands. It supports built-in functions, piping, I/O redirections, here documents, commands subtitution, variables, signals and more.

Technologies used include:

  • C
  • Makefile
Picture of an old console.
See more on github...

Contact me

I'm interested in freelance opportunities. However, if you have other request or question, don't hesitate to reach out to me!

Get in touch!